Friday, April 13, 2012
Show at Enemy next month
"333" reviewed at Bad Alchemy
ARVO ZYLO 333 (No Part Of It, CD-R): Es gibt sie noch, die Totalabsage an das, was vernünftig und was ästhetisch akzeptabel ist. Da ist einen Typ in Chicago, der in einem rattenverseuchten Kabuff die Industrial-Geschichte verwurstet wie Haarmann seine Opfer. Nicht als Farce, sondern with a vengeance, mit Gewalt, wie der Teufel, auf die Spitze getrieben. Das Machwerk besteht aus drei sperrigen Brocken, 'Plasthma' (11 Min.), 'Deadbeat Deluxe' (16 Min.) und gleich zu Beginn 'Quicksand Eggs Of A Beaten Pathos', eine Lobotomie von über einer halben Stunde, nach der allein man schon wimmernd mit allen positivistischen auch allen nihilistischen Gelüsten abschwören möchte. Oder, drachenblutabgebrüht, von nun an erträgt, was immer auch kommen mag (zumindest bis man sich das nächste Mal auf den Daumen hämmert). Aus einem Trolltanz zu Spinettgeklimper entwickelt sich splattriger Harsh Noise als Overkill mit Druckluftnadlerdauerfeuer. Dann wieder verzerrte Keyboardclusterschläge zu fortgesetztem Lo-Fi-Gewummer und Spießerschreckgeorgel zu schmetternden Paukenschlägen. Ein Karnevalszug von Orks und Trollen, der ausdünnt zu spotzendem Gebrodel, in das im Sekundentakt Metall tropft. Aus grausligen Stimmfetzen und stotterndem Noise plötzlich melodieähnliches Gedudel, ein pulsierender Groove, Geisterbahnsynthie, Maschinenstumpfsinn, ein Charivariloop und noch mehr Geklopfe und Georgel zwischen primitiv und kaputt. Gekurbelt bis zum Überdruss, zur Erschöpfung. Schnitt. Und schon geht es im gleichen Stil weiter, kaputte Beats, kaputte Motoren, die von einem Locked Groove zum nächsten holpern. Apokalypso ad nauseam. Was, wenn man trotzdem grinst und, obwohl die Welt da aus dem letzten Loch pfeift, die 'Plasthma'-Melodie mitswingt? [BA 70 rbd]
Here is what the translator engine had to offer:
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Arvo/Blood Rhythms at Denver Noise Fest

Arvo will be Djing and Blood Rhythms will be performing at Denver Noise Fest 2012. Other acts include Crank Sturgeon, Sickness, Marlo Eggplant, Fatale, Nookleptia, Matt Taggart (PCRV), and Cock ESP among others. April 27-28th.
There will also be a show with Ralph Gean, Little Fyodor, and Noise Circumstance to kick the fest off at Rhinoceropolis on April 26th, and Arvo will be taking part.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
GX Jupitter-Larsen/Arvo Zylo split cassette reviewed at Killing Birds

Two Spleencoffin releases were reviewed favorably at Killing Birds, one of which was the GX Jupitter-Larsen/Arvo Zylo "Xylowave/Zylowave" split cassette release:
Arvo Zylo is a distinctive noise artist, though not yet well known, I've reviewed his work favorably HERE. This is quite different from the crazy combination of prog, krautrock and industrial forms I heard in Zylo's other work. His B side, "Zylowave", starts with staccato 8-bit repetitions, charged electrons fluxing throughout, then partial dropouts in the mix on one side of the stereo frame or the other. My Sansui S930's are put to the test, but they're used to this kind of noise abuse, since I've had 'em for 30+ years! Midway through, it all becomes hissing and constant crescendos with no means of resolution. Another wondrous slab of power electronics!
Finally let me say this has one of the better conceived cover graphics I've seen of late, handsomely printed in black and silver, a nice art package. Recommended! Get it for $5 (!) HERE.
Arvo aired on No Such Program (Radio Valencia)

Some of Arvo's work has recently been aired on Ferrara Brain Pan's excellent radio show No Such Program on Radio Valencia.
April 10 - Along with Carter Tutti Void, Bobby Beausoleil, Coil, and Tristan Tzara/Jaap Blonk among others!
March 6 - Along with Vagina Dentata Organ, Brian Eno, Keiji Haino, Kluster and friends, and more!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
"333" reviewed at Esoterrorist
Chicago-based noise artist Arvo Zylo is rumored to have spent 6 years developing his most recent offering, 333, and the 3-track self-released CD doesn’t fall short of expectations.
The first moments of 333 are reminiscent of what one might imagine a carnival in hell to sound like, with warbly and oblique synthesizers played along to schizophrenic glitch-ridden industrial beats. This runs almost immediately into an abrasive wall of noise and hiss, removing any former traces of melody and rhythm and elevating us to a purely textural abstraction of sound. We come in and out of this traditional (a tradition known to noise purists, only, assuredly) line of harshness with more recognizably concrete instrumentation of modern composition, but the grim atmosphere remains the constant, from the static crushing blasts of noise to the rupturing post-apocalyptic dirge marches.
Within the established structures of industrial noise, Arvo Zylo has found his individual voice, and it resonates with strength and dynamic agility. You can mark us down as fans. Get it here on CDr or cassette.
Blood Rhythms on new Power Electronics Compilation

The track "In A Vacuum" is featured in a new 3 disc CD compilation of American Power Electronics. Other artists included are Corephallism, Pharmakon, Slogun, Steel Hook Prosthesis, and Vomit Arsonist among many others. More info Here.