Srdjan Eftimovski, a regular listener to my
radio show, who performs under the name,
NUNDATA, wrote a glowing
review of my release "333". Thanks Srdjan, and thanks to Justin Marc Lloyd for publishing it!

Arvo Zylo - 333
When I first got this release I knew mr. Arvo only through his radio shows and some samples of live show I saw on the streaming services. I got interested so I ordered “333” from this artist. When it arrived I expected simple DIY CDr , but that was not the case. All the printing was of very high quality with nice label on disc itself. You rarely see that much effort in noise world. But that was just tip of the iceberg… What is important here is music, I mean noise, I mean NoiseMusic as one entity. This guy is on other pole of the noise world. It is not “delaypedalputalotofdistortionovereverythingandscream” kind of noise like 99% of acts out there – this is composed noise. It is made from sounds that are not noisy themselves, but the way they are played and all the timings blend it to one big composition which can be listened either way. If you start to listen it as a noise you will hear noise elements, on the other hand if you pay attention and listen to its rhythms and tones and instruments, you will hear it as the music. You will see that all is carefully planned and mastered.
First track “Quicksand Eggs Of A Beaten Pathos” start with the tune that sound like “The Residents” at their best and then slowly melt into noisy frequency shifting space. Around 10-minute mark some melody again start to appear from the depths of noise becomes dominant but then it melt with some tribal rhythm and disappear in background. Rhythm or arrhythmia is guiding us to some 20 minute mark where we start to choke under noisy silence but from it he pulls us up into some weird melody which sounds almost danceable (as much as it can be in noise world anyway…). Rhythm is leading us out of this one and we start with some his/heartbeat sound on second track “Deadbeat Deluxe”.
Various synth melodies and strange beats are melting together all along this one. You have nice and intelligent cacophony all over these 16 minutes. It will make your heart pump like crazy for then minutes, then it will allow you to rest for a minute or two with some calmer part and toward the end atmosphere build up again and push you heartbeat rate up again. But you will not rest now because “Plasthma” starts with some drums beating in empty hall and strange pitch shifting noises are all around you with some crazy tune playing in the background. You start to feel anxiety from this tune, and then tune turn to some type of horror movie theme (which add a just right taste to this album). After few minutes it decay into noise and they all together slowly fade away in void. Album reaches almost 59 minutes of brilliantly executed noise experimental music project. If you like to explore new possibilities in music world no matter if that is noise, or some experimental form be sure that this album you have to own. Whatever that you expect from this album be sure that you will be pleasantly surprised after listening to it. More surely – try and play it one more time as soon as it ends, I promise that you will hear so many layers that you missed in first listening and that you will enjoy even more.