and another member form T.A.Z. / Dreadlords from Baltimore- you should
see the things he is doing with 78rpm records, it will be a release
party for a limited anti record that is not for sale on the internet,
and in Dreadlords there will also be the new frontiers that came in the
wake of Panther Modern / Violet Flame projects for those who are
Also Michael Esposito and his brother will be doing a
performance from material recorded at Manteno Asylum - all vintage
analog gear from the 60s, and I (Arvo Zylo) will make a guest appearance throat duet with ghosts, among other things.
Earlier in the night I am pleased to have veteran experimentalist
noise maker Karl J. Paloucek premiering a new piece for sewing machines,
tam-tam, and accordion, plus newcomer Leif Hans Sandberg will be doing
something along the lines of amplifying the frequencies that emanate
from fruit. There is no cover.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Monday, October 14, 2013
Arvo on Dan Burke's "Voice of Reason" radio show 10/21
Between 2pm and 5pm Central on Monday October 21, Arvo will co DJ with Daniel Burke (Illusion of Safety, WZRD alumni) as well as doing a solo performance on WNUR's "Voice of Reason" radio show (89.3 FM on the north side of Chicago). There will be ticket giveaways for the upcoming performance / Delirious Insomniac anniversary show on October 29th at the empty bottle. In all likeliness, the show will be archived at www.deliriousinsomniac.com. To listen to Arvo's previous appearance on Dan's show, go here.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Arvo at St. Pete Noise Fest and Indiana Noise Fest this November
Arvo will be at St. Pete Noise Fest Six. A donation page features a compilation tape with tracks from many of the featured artists, including an exclusive track from Arvo, among other things. Other notable acts scheduled: Laundryroom Squelchers, Dromez, Dental Work, Hal McGee, Clang Quartet, Novosak, Sisto Rossi, and Whitey Alabastard among others.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Arvo's "Upheaval" featured in "After Exodus" film by Matthew F. Perry
Versions of "Upheaval" by Arvo Zylo are featured in the film "After Exodus" by Matthew F. Perry. Adel Souto's "156" project is also featured, among other excellent sound pieces. More about "After Exodus" here.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
The Delirious Insomniac Annual Live Event
The Delirious Insomniac Annual Live Event
Galdron is a costumed black metal band that sort of looks like a mixture of scenes from ALIEN mixed with the Misfits. Their black metal is probably kitschy but I take it seriously because I don't understand what they're saying. one of the best acts I've seen in years. https://www.facebook.com/
WILT is probably the first noise act I've seen around 2002. They mix death industrial, dark ambient, and the best things you've heard from horror soundtracks in one bundle, with a steady balance of power electronics sensibilities and musique concrete mannerisms. They are brilliant, and they haven't played in Chicago since 2008. Their material has been released on labels such as Ad Noiseam and Bloodlust!. Their influence on Chicago experimental music is not to be understated.http://
Gas Mask Horse is Josh Piotrowski of grindcore band DISROBE. He was also the lead singer in the band URETHRA FRANKLIN & THE GHETTO CHILDREN in the 90s. GAS MASK HORSE came about after Josh created music for a haunted house that he'd built in the basement of some co-op. Often, Piotrowski augments his performances with wax scuptures and props, along with incense and costumes. Words don't do justice, the man is a true DIY zombie commando stalwart. http://
DJ Arvo Fingers has been heading the Delirious Insomniac Freeform Radio Show on WLUW more recently with the help of some friends, since 2007, syndicated in Croatia on KLFM.org since 2009. He's also been working at haunted houses since he was 14, and doing noise music since 2000. For this night, he will be playing his favorite halloween themed music and sound effects records, of which he has been collecting for years. He will also be doing a short performance under the name "Blood Rhythms". www.nopartofit.com, www.deliriousinsomniac.com
Hope to see you there!
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Arvo on SpleenCoffin's 10th Anniversary Compilation
V/A : Splenic Injuries.
10 yr. anniversary comp.
Double cassette, 2+ hrs.
$10 USD.
Featuring, in order of appearance: Slim Twig, Fusiller, Moth Cock, Ultra Bon Bon, Sister Body, Marlo Eggplant, Mold Omen, Rosemary Krust, Bonnie Mercer, Él-g, Six Heads, France Sauvage, Hobo Cubes, The Four Hands, Lea Bertucci, Kreace Peeps, Bride, The Austrasian Goat, PBK and Jon Thoreson, RDCD, Dao de Noize, Embarker, Carrageenan, Decapitated Hed, Liveshitbingepurge, Minoy, Bob Bellerue, Arvo Zylo, Fosforizouses Oysies, and Camposanto.
10 yr. anniversary comp.
Double cassette, 2+ hrs.
$10 USD.
Featuring, in order of appearance: Slim Twig, Fusiller, Moth Cock, Ultra Bon Bon, Sister Body, Marlo Eggplant, Mold Omen, Rosemary Krust, Bonnie Mercer, Él-g, Six Heads, France Sauvage, Hobo Cubes, The Four Hands, Lea Bertucci, Kreace Peeps, Bride, The Austrasian Goat, PBK and Jon Thoreson, RDCD, Dao de Noize, Embarker, Carrageenan, Decapitated Hed, Liveshitbingepurge, Minoy, Bob Bellerue, Arvo Zylo, Fosforizouses Oysies, and Camposanto.

Friday, August 16, 2013
Arvo at Borg Ward, Milwaukee 8/21
I like you go home (10:30-11:00)
Death Factory (10:00-10:30)
Dolores Dewberry (9:30-10:00)
Swarm Survival (9:00-9:30)
Dromez (8:30-9:00)
Arvo Zylo (8:00-8:30)
Amigo (7:30-8:00)
Leo Brochu (7:00-7:30)
Igloo Martian (6:30-7:00)
litmus0001 (6:00-6:30)
Vibratory Wave (5:30-6:00)
M Jurek (5:00-5:30)
Apollo Vermouth (4:30-5:00)
Citizen 2-13 (4:00-4:30)
Hey John (3:30-4:00)
Speakerdust (3:00-3:30)
I like you go home (10:30-11:00)
Death Factory (10:00-10:30)
Dolores Dewberry (9:30-10:00)
Swarm Survival (9:00-9:30)
Dromez (8:30-9:00)
Arvo Zylo (8:00-8:30)
Amigo (7:30-8:00)
Leo Brochu (7:00-7:30)
Igloo Martian (6:30-7:00)
litmus0001 (6:00-6:30)
Vibratory Wave (5:30-6:00)
M Jurek (5:00-5:30)
Apollo Vermouth (4:30-5:00)
Citizen 2-13 (4:00-4:30)
Hey John (3:30-4:00)
Speakerdust (3:00-3:30)
Monday, July 15, 2013
Arvo on WCSB Cleveland Radio Thurs morning/Wednesday night
Arvo will be a guest with Mortimer Penniwhistle on Record Exchange: Prime Time between 1AM and 5AM Eastern Time (midnight - 3AM Central time), a radio show on WCSB in Cleveland. It streams live or can be heard in Cleveland on 89.3 FM.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Arvo in Cleveland on the 16th
Pats in the Flats
2233 West Third
Cleveland Ohio
HAND OV GLORY (Griefhound side project)
July 16th
2233 West Third
Cleveland Ohio
HAND OV GLORY (Griefhound side project)
July 16th
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Dental Work collaboration reviewed at Forbidden Magazine
Dig this freewheelin' and enthusiastic review of my collaboration with Dental Work. This release was all me working with Jay's source material, and I'm still very happy with it. He's in progress of working on a sequel now.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Blood Rhythms, Little Fyodor Tribute aired on Tony Coulter's WFMU Radio Show
Blood Rhythms is on a tribute to Little Fyodor called the "Unscratchable Itch". We contributed a version of "Won't Somebody Fill The Void?". This was taken from a live recording at Denver Noise Fest 2011. It featured Clayton Counts, GX Jupitter-Larsen, John Rasmussen, Chris Turner, Byron Tenebra, Elizabeth Floersch, and others. The track was aired on Tony Coulter's WFMU Radio show, along with other parts of the CD and other tracks related to Little Fyodor. The tribute also has tracks by The Voodoo Organist, Ralph Gean, Diablo Montalban, The Inactivists, Boyd Rice, and Brian M. Clark.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Show June 21st at Heavy Gel
Blood Rhythms
Zack Kouns (OH)
Duncan Allen Burns
Health and Beauty
Heavy Gel
I've been told a screen printed poster is on the way.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Excerpts reviewed in Spanish
A positive review in Spanish of my bandcamp sample tracks, the writer seems to think that this in itself was originally a cassette release. Thanks either way!
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Arvo at Chicago Sonic Coalition (video)
Monday, May 20, 2013
Blood Rhythms at Denver Noise Fest 2013
Thanks to Christopher Turner AKA Nookleptia for his invaluable contributions to this performance, also to Dolores Dewberry for her contribution to some of the source material I used. Thanks to all at Denver Noise Fest for their overwhelming support! It was my 3rd year there and I know it won't be my last!
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Video and photos from the show at The Mutiny
Here are some photos from the show at the Mutiny with Gas Mask Horse, Breakdancing Ronald Reagan, Dromez, Blood Rhythms, and Nookleptia, thanks to blake edwards. And here is video of just about the whole show, 38 minutes in duration, thanks to Garland Villanova.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Review of TOMB/Blood Rhythms
Review of TOMB/Blood Rhythms split cassette on Locrian's private label, LAND OF DECAY. As I write this, there is only one copy left.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Arvo Zylo LIVE on My Castle of Quiet, 2.8.2013
Arvo's performances on WFMU last February are now written up on their blog and available for listening on the Free Music Archive. Very pleased to see this! Many thanks again to Wm. Berger and WFMU!
Arvo Zylo's recordings / talents run the range from truly overwhelming, confrontational / chilling harsh noise, to thought-provoking experimental sounds rooted in the 1980s Raplh/LAFMS/post-TG international "noise boom." Over many releases and collaborations, he has maintained a character of the unexpected, though one always wants to hear what that next sonic mask will be.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Show at the Mutiny
This is sort of a kick off show for most of us going to Denver Noise Fest, so that we may make sure to arrive there in high altitude tired and hungover.
Nookleptia celebrates his 20th year as an angry industrial dark ambient brutal slaughterhouse noise butcher. He's done releases with Luftwaffe, Emulsion, and Page 27. Nookleptia used to be a huge group collective in Denver, before C. Turner moved to Chicago years ago now. He plays animal bones and reed instruments made from plumbing material.
Breakdancing Ronald Reagan - J. Cash (no relation) from TX is steaming on tour and floating with the momentum of having curated a highly successful SUXBYSUXWEST noise fest which aggravated a lot of people, probably got him banned from the venue, and was written about in Vice Magazine by a person who is obviously racist against Texans. He is one of my favorite harsh noise artists going and one of the few who does silly right in my opinion.
Gas Mask Horse is Josh P., core member of noise/grind/punk band Disrobe, and for those who weren't born in the 90s, former blood drenched singer of URETHRA FRANKLIN AND THE GHETTO CHILDREN, whom I first saw in I think 1996. GMH is Josh's project that sprung from designing a DIY punk rock haunted house called the "Haunted Shack". I haven't seen him perform live but apparently it's pretty witchy. The tape is excellent.
DROMEZ is also on tour from Austin, TX. You may have heard her perform on the Delirious Insomniac Freeform radio show in November or seen her perform at TriTriangle or the Dust Bowl in Chicago. She has taken a hunting knife to a warlock guitar in a way that made me uncomfortable and screamed her head off in ways that aren't the feigned freakouts that some of us have seen a lot. She's genuinely pissed and she's got probably thirty guitar pedals in a suitcase, as if they were laser guns or secret plastic explosives. She's in a side project inspired by HP Lovecraft and she can handle her whiskey.
Blood Rhythms is Arvo, oftentimes with a revolving cast of collaborators/
Arvo/Blood Rhythms at Denver Noise Fest in May
Blood Rhythms will be playing at Denver Noise Fest again this year. There will also be a pre fest party on May 9th featuring Arvo in collaboration with Little Fyodor and Clayton Counts (Bull of Heaven).
Friday, March 1, 2013
Unreleased Flipper cover aired on Little Fyodor's Under The Floorboards Radio Show
I redid a version of Flipper's "Life Is Cheap" in a studio. It was supposed to be released for a comp on Drag City, but that fell through. Now you can listen to it as part of Little Fyodor's "Underneath The Floorboards" radio show on KGNU. Little Fyodor has been on the radio since the 80s, I love his music and I appreciate that he only airs recordings that have been submitted to him.
01/13/2013 Playlist--- Artist/Album/Track
Boyd Rice/Non -Back To Mono- Turn Me On, Dead Man
Arvo Zylo -None- Life Is Cheap
Heatstick -7 " Vinyl Single- Willow's Song
Charles Rice Goff III -Acren Wacren Waney Vo- Simple Gifts
Ryan J. Boyd Many's New Car 2 - The Telekinesis Club Curse Go Back
Richard Young 7" Vinyl Single I Feel Like A Tree
Charles Rice Goff III Acren Wacren Waney Vo The Voice Of God
Edgar Valcarel Tensions At The Vanguard: New Music From Peru (1948-1979) Invencion For Magnetic Tape
Normal Love Survival Tricks Lend Some Treats
Normal Love Survival Tricks Electrolytes In The Brine
Kristen Norderval (post-ambient Arias For Voice And Electronics) Flat Ground
Esmerelda Strange Introducing Esmerelda Strange Track #7
Cactus Truck Brand New For China! The Snotgreen Sea, The Scrotumtightening Sea
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Short Tour Recap
![]() |
photo by Tankie Lemberg, at Hard Times Cafe, Minneapolis MN |
I visited some of my longest standing friends in Cleveland on the way to New York, and upon arriving to New York, went straight to WKCR to do a live performance on the radio show "Transfigured Night" (hopefully the archive will be up soon). I was extremely humbled by this experience, as they were either airing my recordings or my performances for 3 hours. Thanks to Narine for having me!
The following evening I found myself at WFMU, where I was given a tour of the bizarre velvet portraits with varying degrees of efficiency/hilarity emanating from them, and various artifacts from this incredible and long standing institution.
We discussed the characteristics of feedback with radio and internet streams. My first live set started off with near silence, and gradually became more of an implement in the performance. Wm. Berger played great music as only he can do, from doom/black metal to psychedelic madness and clips from obscure horror movies. I was also honored by a short interview, being able to do a second live set, and on top of that, a recording of my live set on WZRD in 2006 closed out the show. Their comment board had enough praise to make me blush and then some.
WFMU has been my favorite radio station since I knew about it almost ten years ago, and My Castle of Quiet has been my favorite radio show since I knew of its inception a few years ago, headed by someone who was around for several years starting in the 80s and 90s, and took a ten year break that ended in 2009 or so. This experience was the bedrock of what radio should be like, and I'm happy as a lark that I could be part of it for one evening.
The show the following day at Silent Barn was cancelled due to snow, and so I was lucky to be able to hang out with Wm. Berger at Castle HQ for one more day before flying to Pittsburgh. It was great to have good conversation, overlapping likemindedness, and such a kind host! Thanks again!
I will have to hang out with Richard Kamerman, Nat Roe, the guys from Grasshopper, and others, at another time, but I'm very thankful that I was invited to be part of what would have been an excellent show, an opening for a barber shop/record store/art gallery within the bowels of the longstanding Silent Barn venue.

In Pittsburgh, there were some cancellations and a low turn out, but the local sets were great and the saving grace was being able to get Panther Modern to do a set, coming all the way from Baltimore. His work is some of the best going on right now.
I was also able to stay at local artist Seth LaDonne's house, and we had some great conversation/food before I left early in the morning for Cleveland.
Cleveland's scene is strong and diverse even on an off day. I took part in NOISE LUNCH, a sunday after noon monthly affair that seems to come in the wake of their AUDIO VISUAL BAPTISM. Each installation has a theme, this one being the use of contact mics. Lisa Miralia's BAAT project was an excellent performance piece inspired by singing spiders, and she used contact mics to replicate sea breezes and kiddie talking bugs. There was also the 14 year old Malware project, using a bowed steel sailboat and an effected toy piano. Every act was great, and it had been my best rendition of this ongoing mutation of a piece I've been working with. Everyone was very supportive (thanks to Lisa for playing my work on her radio show and passing around a hat too!).
After that I got to cook with Scott Hosner, the former owner of Bela Dubby, a defunct coffee shop in Cleveland. I drank and worked on recordings with Wyatt Howland AKA Skin Graft, and there's such an abundance of source material that I can't help but be excited about what will come of it. I must also say that I was waiting for a friend to meet me in a huge mall. because they wouldn't let me into the casino with my gear, and instead of playing the same drab RnB I recall hearing every time fate's unwavering hand drags me into a mall, I heard 60s music on the intercom, most notably Joe Meek's Telstar washed in the marble reverb of the 3 story mall, only a week after the anniversary of his death. That was surreal.
The bus rides were largely peaceful, one highlight being a long conversation with 2 dominatrixes on the way into New York about various bizarre fetishes they've been able to provide services for.
New York has such an incredible energy to it, can only be experienced to be understood. My preconceptions had been shattered before I even got off the bus. And in all of two days there, I didn't experience an inkling of the rudeness that befits The Big Apple's reputation. It was the city that never sleeps, and while I was within its parameters, I couldn't either. It was a place where every square inch seems to permeate with a sense of urgency.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
I'm writing from Minneapolis, the show at Medusa was a lot of fun. I
wanted to take a second to say that I'm on a short tour, if you happen
to live in Pittsburgh or New York (hopefully also Cleveland) below.
New York
On the evening of February 6th and into the following morning, I will be on WKCR some time between 2AM and 5AM NY time.
On the evening of February 7th, and after midnight, he will be doing a live performance on Wm. Berger's My Castle of Quiet, broadcast out of the legendary WFMU radio station.
On the evening of February 8th, he will be performing at Silent Barn, sharing a large bill, and apparently 2 stages with Richard Kamerman, Grasshopper, and more.
February 9th in Pittsburgh
Cleveland Noise Lunch at Now That's Class Feb 10th 4pm
I also wanted to say that I have been planning on running my modest little label NO PART OF IT outside of the internet, with only money orders, newsletters on paper, and paper mailing lists for a while now. Now that the USPS has cranked up their rates (you can still sign a petition against it until February 4th), I'm not sure what I'm going to do, but I'm quite confident it's not going to be on the internet, I had to let the cat out of the bag. There are extremely exciting projects on the horizon. I have a couple of releases already which have not been made for sale on the internet, and can take orders for domestic USA shipping without much concern, but I'm still not going to accept paypal anymore. However, international shipping has become ridiculous. I'm going to try to find a way to get my label's releases produced overseas or something, for customers who don't wish to pay roughly two times the cost of the item in order to get it shipped. If you would like to get copies of my newsletter, feel free to contact me.
New York
On the evening of February 6th and into the following morning, I will be on WKCR some time between 2AM and 5AM NY time.
On the evening of February 7th, and after midnight, he will be doing a live performance on Wm. Berger's My Castle of Quiet, broadcast out of the legendary WFMU radio station.
On the evening of February 8th, he will be performing at Silent Barn, sharing a large bill, and apparently 2 stages with Richard Kamerman, Grasshopper, and more.
February 9th in Pittsburgh
Arvo Zylo
Cleveland Noise Lunch at Now That's Class Feb 10th 4pm
- curated by Eric Chimeliewski w/ Glacial 23 (Sam Harmon), Holy Stark MAA (Amanda Howland & Mitch Ribis) , Baat (Lisa Miralia), Rob Galo, Malware (Hunter Just), Moth Lung (Scott Schumacher), Ammo Spammo Killson, Progressive Discipline (Eric Chmielewski), and Fluxmonkey (Bbob Drake)
I also wanted to say that I have been planning on running my modest little label NO PART OF IT outside of the internet, with only money orders, newsletters on paper, and paper mailing lists for a while now. Now that the USPS has cranked up their rates (you can still sign a petition against it until February 4th), I'm not sure what I'm going to do, but I'm quite confident it's not going to be on the internet, I had to let the cat out of the bag. There are extremely exciting projects on the horizon. I have a couple of releases already which have not been made for sale on the internet, and can take orders for domestic USA shipping without much concern, but I'm still not going to accept paypal anymore. However, international shipping has become ridiculous. I'm going to try to find a way to get my label's releases produced overseas or something, for customers who don't wish to pay roughly two times the cost of the item in order to get it shipped. If you would like to get copies of my newsletter, feel free to contact me.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
New York
Arvo has 3 affairs planned next month in the New York area!
On the evening of February 6th and into the following morning, he will be on WKCR some time between 2AM and 5AM NY time.
On the evening of February 7th, and after midnight, he will be doing a live performance on Wm. Berger's My Castle of Quiet, broadcast out of the legendary WFMU radio station.
On the evening of February 8th, he will be performing at Silent Barn, sharing a large bill, and apparently 2 stages with Richard Kamerman, Grasshopper, Ben Byrne (Australia) and more.
This is exciting!
More dates are in the works!
On the evening of February 6th and into the following morning, he will be on WKCR some time between 2AM and 5AM NY time.
On the evening of February 7th, and after midnight, he will be doing a live performance on Wm. Berger's My Castle of Quiet, broadcast out of the legendary WFMU radio station.
On the evening of February 8th, he will be performing at Silent Barn, sharing a large bill, and apparently 2 stages with Richard Kamerman, Grasshopper, Ben Byrne (Australia) and more.
This is exciting!
More dates are in the works!
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Nothing to Declare
I just received copies of the new Blood Rhythms release Nothing to Declare from Phage Tapes. I'm extremely happy with the way they turned out. This is a C20 cassette with cover/text/ imprint art by Si Clark and insert art by Marcel Hass (Apes of Doom). This is heavy/harsh sound using no effects and only excessive shifting layers of various raw source material. I scanned the cassette to show how intricate the art is. Those who remember my ill-fated "Time Destroys All Things" art project will recognize Chronos in there.
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