LET IT BE KNOWN: I have tried to send a xerox of Moneygram information twice, and it has been returned to me both times. This is regarding payment in advance for the s/t Tonetta cassette I released earlier this month. My honesty is being publicly called into question, and here is my modest evidence. Please forgive the quality, I couldn't find my camera, and I used a flip phone to take the picture. Anthony Jeffrey's address is obscured in the event that it is actually his real address, to protect his privacy. I initially spoke to him on the phone, but his number is no longer in service. I have tried to send the MoneyGram info to Jeffrey online, but he won't accept it, unless it's sent by post for some reason, and now he is calling me a scammer. The man doesn't own a computer, or a bank account, and now also a phone line. He's not exactly making it easy for me.
. When I announced the release of the cassette, I said that he was paid in advance, because it had been 3 weeks since I had sent him the Moneygram information, and I wouldn't be surprised if I never heard from him again. Literally the day after I made the announcement, the first letter was returned to me, at which point I sent it again. He obviously doesn't know much about the flaws of the American postal system. Make of it what you will. If this stubborn, counterproductive nonsense continues, I will burn the remaining cassettes in the street. I didn't do this for money, I did this to support a person whose music lifts my spirits, and who has been screwed over in the past. No good deed goes unpunished, as they say.
Update 09/23/15-
Here is my receipt for mailing a registered letter to Anthony Jeffrey. This includes the Moneygram information for him to pick up cash at any Moneygram location with a valid ID. The tracking number is re126770295us, and a signature will be required. Hopefully this address works this time. I have been told he hasn't moved, and there was just some error twice in a row, mysteriously. Here is the link to USPS tracking for this letter.
9/24/15- My comments are being deleted. Here are those that I remember, I'm sure there were more.

UPDATE 09/26/15: Now he's saying I owe him 500 dollars and is sending supposed "representatives" after me. I only agreed to give him $100 in advance and an unspecified amount of copies. I also went over the tracklisting with him on the phone, and he told me to credit D.L. Waters as the songwriter for one of the songs, which I did do. I have removed the album from bandcamp and ceased the sale of copies. I probably won't make them available again.
UPDATE 09/28/15
An animal sacrificing type of Satanist with bad grammar has contacted me as his "U.S. Rep", trying to perpetuate Tonetta's lies with equally bad grammar.
I commented with the following statement:
Tony, I'm not selling your cassettes anymore. I stopped immediately when you had your "US REP" contact me. I am going to burn the rest of the copies. I'll post a video of it. I don't want any more to do with you. I wanted to help you. You have the reference number, you can pick up the money any time. A copy of the info is in the mail to you registered. You neglected to give me your apartment number so the letters were returned. You should really get professional help.
More comments have ensued, they're even more redundant, nonsensical, and erratic than before. People like to waste time. However, I did get in contact with the head of Black Tent Press, the label that Tonetta alleged to have ripped him off. Here is what he had to say:
UPDATE 09/29/15
This is my final word on the matter.
UPDATE 09/28/15
An animal sacrificing type of Satanist with bad grammar has contacted me as his "U.S. Rep", trying to perpetuate Tonetta's lies with equally bad grammar.
I commented with the following statement:
Tony, I'm not selling your cassettes anymore. I stopped immediately when you had your "US REP" contact me. I am going to burn the rest of the copies. I'll post a video of it. I don't want any more to do with you. I wanted to help you. You have the reference number, you can pick up the money any time. A copy of the info is in the mail to you registered. You neglected to give me your apartment number so the letters were returned. You should really get professional help.
More comments have ensued, they're even more redundant, nonsensical, and erratic than before. People like to waste time. However, I did get in contact with the head of Black Tent Press, the label that Tonetta alleged to have ripped him off. Here is what he had to say:
Hi, my name is Dirk Knibbe, I run Black Tent. I’d like the opportunity to respond to the recent accusations implied in the newly released video work of Tony Jeffrey, known to all as Tonetta. Our relationship began a few years ago under the agreement and understanding that there would be little money in this venture and that the art, and its purpose was the primarily goal to share, promote and focus on. I have repeatedly encouraged him to play shows and tour a little so he could make money on his own with his work. Even facilitating musicians in Toronto who were willing to back him as his band. Where profits have come in they have been paid out to Tony. He has received well over 2 grand in sales payments actually. Why he has chosen to imply that he has not received any payment is simply false. Like many of you know as fellow musicians and music lovers there is very little money in selling records these days. Especially the variety of high quality and expensively produced hand printed limited edition LP’s by such a NSFW explicate and provocative artist such as Tonetta. On top of the large investments into producing shows by his request, professionally documenting his work, travel cost to Canada to do work with him, the purchase of new audio and video and gear for him, the re-mastering of poor quality audio, sending out large of amounts of free LP’s & CD’s to share this remarkable artist with all there has been very little return of profits in this venture.
When I met Tony for the first time I was the first person to set foot in his apartment in 10 years. He lives in an isolated world that is his. And as much as it is remarkable it has not always been in tune to a larger reality. Having to explain what I now explain to you, dear reader to a man who stopped listening to music in 1980 and didn’t know what downloading off the internet meant, has been, lets say, interesting.
I do this all by myself. I work full time outside of this to support just myself. I do this because I love it and believe fully in the works of the artists I have worked with and shown to people. I am not claiming I have done things perfectly. This entity is a challenging beast to feed and keep afloat. But I feel honored to have worked with such a truly remarkable, brilliant, albeit challenging person such as Tony. It is unfortunate that our trust has been marred, but he has chosen to stop communicating with me over these last few months so there has been little I can do to mend things. I hope there is a record label that can give Tony what he now seems to most desire. A steady paycheck. I hope to do his work honor in this last release from black tent press.
Dirk Knibbe
UPDATE 09/29/15
This is my final word on the matter.
this is what this release needs
this is what this release needs
You're right. I shouldn't have tried to help him. I should cut any ties with cowards, liars, and losers (with poor grammar). I wouldn't trade places with you in a million years. I hope your momma is proud of you, hiding anonymously on the internet, as you do. Some people should spend more time working on the three Rs, and less time refining their herd-like, sheepish, moronic behavior.
You're spelling and all of that is just as bad. Let me ask you how many national radio interviews that you have done?
I can write blogs too.
OK Reverend, here is my reply to your speculative and anecdotal blog post with no supporting evidence whatsoever, and my public reply to your email. Tell Tony to keep the money. I'm burning the remaining cassettes. I hope after that, you folks will have nothing left to complain about, but I've given up on assuming people are basically reasonable and honest, much less with enough critical theory and logic to actually think for themselves. -
The day I announced the release of the cassette, I sent Tony a message on youtube saying "Hey Tony, the cassettes are here! How many copies do you want?". He didn't even acknowledge that, he only replied saying "By post or no DEAL" weeks later, which would have been fine if he gave me the right address! I thought he had received the money, until the next day, when the letter was returned. Is it bad business to get a bad address from someone and try to send again and again? Is there any way I can get you to understand that I did everything in my power to follow through on what I agreed about?
I don't have any accounts with what you require for comments on your blog. Someone told me about that. Here is what I would have posted if I had.
Hello sir. You do have one thing right, I completely forgot to ask about the bandcamp thing. I took for granted that people put up material in order to sell physical product on bandcamp. This is widely understood, usually, but you're right, I shouldn't have taken that for granted. Please send my apologies to Tony.
The truth is, I never sold more than one solitary download where it didn't accompany the cassette, so in effect, it was a substitute for me including download cards, and I decided to do it spur of the moment, before my letter with the moneygram info was returned to me. This is because Tony didn't give me his apartment number, probably. I have sent the letter registered this time, but I'm going to dispose of the cassettes. There is a huge resurgence in cassettes, by the way. As a long time fan of Tonetta, I wanted to support him. I called him, offered him $100 in advance, and an unspecified amount of copies. This was not a money-making venture. Our conversation was very cordial. He invited me for coffee if I'm ever in Toronto. We went over the track list, and I specified a song that was written by someone else on the insert. I did everything he asked, but it's not easy because he disconnected his number, the letters were being returned, and he's not too receptive on the internet.
What you seem to misunderstand, is that I would never do anything to rip off an artist. I wanted to support an artist that I believed had integrity, by releasing his material with integrity. I'm finding that Black Tent Press seemed to have a similar problem. http://tonetta.tumblr.com/post/15568841366/a-statement-from-black-tent-press
Any further explanation would be repetitive, as I have documented everything here:
What can I do to get that Scammer video removed? I had no desire to scam anyone, and this is slanderous. I will take it as far as I need to, and none of us will be happier about it when it's over.
Best of luck with everything.
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