Arvo did a sound collage oriented radio segment for Mid Valley Mutations. LISTEN HERE
The melody manages to somehow survive though it is trapped inside this cell of distorted rage.
Ataraxic Ataxia was reviewed at Raised By Gypsies. READ THE FULL REVIEW.
Arvo did an interview with psychic/noise artist Sarah Wreck for Heathen Harvest.
Arvo's 100th and final version of "Upheaval" was released by netlabel Pan Y Rosas. Clocking in at around 4 hours long, it was initially aired at Sound Art Radio in the UK during their "drone week" last summer, although it is not strictly drone music at all; more process oriented.

There are 4 new releases on NO PART OF IT. These are each splits with Arvo Zylo and another artist; Andrew Quitter, BBJR, PBK, and Marlo Eggplant. Each edition is on C40 tapes dubbed in real time and is limited to 25 hand numbered copies, which come with hand stamped pieces of wallpaper and a vintage black and white photo from before 1950. Very few remain.
Arvo's 100th and final version of "Upheaval" was released by netlabel Pan Y Rosas. Clocking in at around 4 hours long, it was initially aired at Sound Art Radio in the UK during their "drone week" last summer, although it is not strictly drone music at all; more process oriented.

There are 4 new releases on NO PART OF IT. These are each splits with Arvo Zylo and another artist; Andrew Quitter, BBJR, PBK, and Marlo Eggplant. Each edition is on C40 tapes dubbed in real time and is limited to 25 hand numbered copies, which come with hand stamped pieces of wallpaper and a vintage black and white photo from before 1950. Very few remain.